We Manage Your Office
You Expand Your Business
Solar Victoria Portal
We maintain the Solar Victoria portal and make sure all the information entered by the customer is correct. We also make sure the electrician scans the QR code after installation so that the Solar installer company get the Solar Rebate amount.
REC Registry portal
We also fill in the REC Registry form and claim for STCs by uploading details on the REC Registry portal.
System Installation Process
We co-ordinate with the Electricians by providing them system details, specifications & instructions (if any)
Invoice for payment for the installation
Once the CES is received, the accounts team will send an invoice to the customer requesting for the payment
Accounting Services
We offer different kinds of accounting services like Accounts Receivables, Accounts Payable, Invoicing and Taxing by certified CPA
Processing of Paperwork
Once the admin office receives the forms (STC, EWR & EG forms) signed by the customer. These forms are then thoroughly checked for any errors and amend the forms if required before processing them for Grid Connection to the electricity retailer
Generating Appointments and Sales
We generate appointments for sales team, by qualifying them based on the qualifying criteria set by Solar Victoria
Warranty Claims
Once any issue is reported, we Co-ordinate with the customer and gather all supporting documents and apply for warranty for – panels & inverters
Follow up’s & Services
We follow up on
1. Installation Process
2. Invoice Payments
3. Grid Connection Status
4. Warranty Claims
5. Ombudsman Issues.